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sygaldry::sygbe::WiFi::inputs_t Struct Reference

Public Attributes

text< "hostname", "Name of this device on the network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", tag_session_datahostname
text< "access point SSID", "Name of the device-hosted network." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", tag_session_dataap_ssid
text< "access point password", "Password of the device-hosted network." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", tag_session_data, tag_write_onlyap_password
text< "WiFi SSID", "Name of the WiFi network to connect to." "Must be less than 31 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", tag_session_datawifi_ssid
text< "WiFi password", "Password of the WiFi network to connect to." "Must be greater than 8 and less than 63 bytes long." "Requires reboot to take effect.", tag_session_data, tag_write_onlywifi_password
toggle< "enable access point", "Indicate whether to persistently enable the device-hosted network." "When this toggle is disabled, the access point is only enabled if" "the device fails to connect to WiFi in station mode.", 0, tag_session_dataenable_ap

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: