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Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level
sygah: Sygaldry Helpers
sygah-consteval: consteval Workaround
sygah-endpoints: Endpoints Helpers
sygah-endpoints: Endpoints Bases
sygah-endpoints: Endpoints Bases
sygah-metadata: Metadata Helpers
sygah-mimu: MIMU Endpoints Helpers
sygah-string_literal: String Literal Template Parameter Wrapper
sygbe: ESP32 Bindings
sygbe-runtime: ESP32 Runtime
sygbe-spiffs: ESP32 SPIFFS Session Storage
sygbe-wifi: ESP32 WiFi
sygbp: Portable Bindings
sygbp-cli: CLI Binding
sygbp-cstdio_cli: C Standard IO CLI Binding
sygbp-cstdio_reader: C Standard Input/Output Reader
sygbp-liblo: Liblo OSC Binding
sygbp-osc_match_pattern: OSC Address Pattern Matching
sygbp-osc_string_constants: OSC String Constants
sygbp-output_logger: Output Logger
sygbp-rapid_json: RapidJSON Binding
sygbp-session_data: Session Data
sygbp-spelling: Spelling
sygsa: Arduino Sensors
sygsa-micros: Sygaldry Micros for Arduino
sygsa-trill_craft: Arduino Trill Craft
sygsa-two_wire: Arduino TwoWire Component
sygse: ESP32 Sensors
sygse-adc: Oneshot ADC Driver
sygse-button: ESP32 Button
sygse-gpio: ESP32 GPIO
sygsp: Portable Sensors
sygsp-button: Button Gesture Model
sygsp-delay: Delay
sygsp-icm20948: ICM20948 MIMU Driver
sygsa-two_wire_serif: Arduino Serial Interface for ICM20948 MIMU
sygsp-icm20948_aux_serif: ICM20948 Auxiliary I2C Bus Controller Serial Interface
sygsp-icm20948_registers: Registers for ICM20948 MIMU
sygsp-micros: Portable Timestamp API
sygsp-mimu_units: MIMU Units
sygsp-complementary_mimu_fusion: MIMU Sensor Fusion
sygup: Portable Utilities
sygup-basic_logger: Basic Logger
sygup-cstdio_logger: C Standard Input/Output Logger
sygsp-debug_printer: Runtime Stage Printer for Debugging
sygac: Sygaldry Concepts
sygac-components: Components Concepts
sygac-endpoints: Endpoint Concepts
sygac-functions: Function Reflection
sygac-metadata: Text Metadata Reflection
sygac-mimu: MIMU Concepts
sygac-runtime: Sygaldry Runtime
sygac-runtime: Runtime Implementation Details
sygac-runtime: Runtime Implementation Details
sygac-tuple: Sygaldry Tuple Functions
sygbr: Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Bindings
sygbr-cli: Raspberyy Pi Pico SDK CLI
sygbr-runtime: Raspbery Pi Pico SDK Runtime
Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Sensors
sygsr-adc: Raspberry Pi Pico SDK ADC Driver
sygsr-adc: ADC Channels
sygsr-button: Raspberry Pi Pico SDK Button
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