No Matches
sygac-components: Components Concepts

Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory (IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

A component has a name and at least one of the following subroutines or endpoints structures: an initialization subroutine, a main subroutine, an external sources or destinations subroutine, inputs, or outputs. An assembly is defined recursively as an aggregate struct that contains only components or assemblies.

This document provides a means of identifying components and assemblies, and accessing their functionality.

// @='Component Concepts'
@{inputs and outputs}
@{throughpoints and plugins}
template<typename T>
concept Component
= has_name<T>
&& ( has_init_subroutine<T>
|| has_external_sources_subroutine<T>
|| has_main_subroutine<T>
|| has_external_destinations_subroutine<T>
|| has_inputs<T>
|| has_outputs<T>
template<typename T>
concept Assembly = detail::assembly_predicate<T>::value && not Component<T> && not Tuple<T>;
// @/
// @+'tests'
struct regular_component_t : name_<"regular component">
struct inputs_t {} inputs;
struct outputs_t {} outputs;
static void main(const inputs_t&, outputs_t&) {}
} regular_component;
struct container_component_t
regular_component_t component1;
} container_component;
struct deep_container_t
regular_component_t c1;
container_component_t container;
regular_component_t c2;
} deep_container;
static_assert(not Component<container_component_t>);
static_assert(not Assembly<regular_component_t>);
// @/

Simple Aggregate

Assemblies, as well as the input and output structures of components, are required to be simple aggregates. Our notion of a simple aggregate comes from boost::pfr, which we rely on for the ability to iterate over lists of endpoints and components in the form of structures, an essential functionality for our purposes. We would ideally defer to boost::pfr for our test of simple aggregate requirements, but a straightforward concept–

template<typename T>
concept SimpleAggregate = requires { boost::pfr::tuple_size_v<T>; };

–does not provide the required results. It appears as though the compiler considers this to be a valid expression regardless of the result, i.e. even if boost::pfr itself would raise several (overly verbose and difficult to debug) static assertion failures with the given T.

Attempts to defer to std::is_aggregate_v<T> in a similar fashion were also unsatisfactory, with various test structures passing the test even through boost::pfr rejects them at compile time through static assertions. It doesn't help that boost::pfr's implementation and documentation don't always agree on what the requirements are, as of 2023:

// @+'tests'
// boost::pfr docs say: aggregates may not have base classes
struct not_simple_aggregate1 : name_<"foo"> { };
static_assert(std::is_aggregate_v<not_simple_aggregate1>); // passes
// auto failure = boost::pfr::tuple_size_v<not_simple_aggregate1>; // static assertion failure
// boost::pfr docs say: aggregates may not have const fields
struct not_simple_aggregate2 { const int i; };
static_assert(std::is_aggregate_v<not_simple_aggregate2>); // passes
static_assert(1 == boost::pfr::tuple_size_v<not_simple_aggregate2>); // works fine, even though the docs say it's not allowed
// boost::pfr docs say: aggregates may not have reference fields
struct not_simple_aggregate3 { int& i; };
static_assert(std::is_aggregate_v<not_simple_aggregate3>); // passes
static_assert(1 == boost::pfr::tuple_size_v<not_simple_aggregate3>); // works fine, even though the docs say it's not allowed
// docs say: aggregates may not have c arrays
struct not_simple_aggregate4 { float f; int i[5]; };
static_assert(std::is_aggregate_v<not_simple_aggregate4>); // passes
static_assert(6 == boost::pfr::tuple_size_v<not_simple_aggregate4>); // works fine, even though the docs say it's not allowed, although arguably this should return 2?
// docs say: aggregates may not have constructors
struct not_simple_aggregate5 { float f; not_simple_aggregate5(float a, float b) : f{a + b} {} };
static_assert(not std::is_aggregate_v<not_simple_aggregate5>); // a class with a constructor is not aggregate
//auto failure = boost::pfr::tuple_size_v<not_simple_aggregate5>; // static assertion failure
// docs don't mention scalars, but implementation suggests they're fine
using not_simple_aggregate6 = float;
static_assert(not std::is_aggregate_v<not_simple_aggregate6>); // a float is not aggregate
static_assert(std::is_scalar_v<not_simple_aggregate6>); // a float is scalar
static_assert(1 == boost::pfr::tuple_size_v<not_simple_aggregate6>); // works, in accordance with the docs
// docs say: unions not allowed
union not_simple_aggregate7 {float f; int i;} nope;
static_assert(std::is_aggregate_v<not_simple_aggregate7>); // passes
// auto failure = boost::pfr::structure_to_tuple(nope); // static assertion failure
// @/

In most cases, boost::pfr seems to work when std::is_aggregate_v is true, and to fail when it is not. The only exceptions we noted in our tests are when T is scalar, such as a single float, when T is a union, and when T has any base class. We can easily detect when T is scalar or union using std::is_scalar and std::is_union respectively. However, it is challenging to detect when T has a base class. For now, we defer this issue to boost::pfr, which will in any case raise a static assertion failure if we try to pass it a type with a base class, giving us the following incomplete-but-likely-sufficient implementation of our SimpleAggregate concept:

// @='SimpleAggregate'
template<typename T>
concept SimpleAggregate
= not std::is_union_v<T>
&& ( std::is_aggregate_v<T>
|| std::is_scalar_v<T>
// @/
// @+'tests'
// @/

The main limitation we encounter due to our incomplete test of simple-aggregate-ness is that we cannot admit nested aggregates of endpoints in case any of our endpoints have inherited a class type; such non-base endpoints pass our SimpleAggregate concept, but trigger static assertion failures from boost::pfr. For this reason, we currently assume that endpoint containers are not nested.

Component Basics

Using our small function reflection library we can tell whether a component has a main subroutine by checking whether the return type of the expected methods (T::main or T::operator()) have the expected type (void). This concept will not be satisfied if T::main is a variable, since function reflection is impossible in this case and checking the return type is thus an error.

As well as detecting the existence of a component's main subroutine, it may also be necessary to access its type for function reflection. We provide simple reflection template structs inheriting most of their functionality from the function_reflection template developed in the function concepts document.

// @+'has_main_subroutine'
template <typename T> struct main_subroutine_reflection {using exists = std::false_type;};
template <typename T>
requires (std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::operator()>::return_type>
&& !std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::main>::return_type>)
struct main_subroutine_reflection<T> : function_reflection<&T::operator()> {};
template <typename T>
requires std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::main>::return_type>
struct main_subroutine_reflection<T> : function_reflection<&T::main> {};
// @/

Similarly, we may want to access function reflection for a component's init and other recognized subroutines:

// TODO: this section needs a prose rewrite
// @+'has_main_subroutine'
template <typename T> struct init_subroutine_reflection {using exists = std::false_type;};
template <typename T>
requires std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::init>::return_type>
struct init_subroutine_reflection<T> : function_reflection<&T::init> {};
template <typename T> struct external_sources_subroutine_reflection {using exists = std::false_type;};
template <typename T>
requires std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::external_sources>::return_type>
struct external_sources_subroutine_reflection<T> : function_reflection<&T::external_sources> {};
template <typename T> struct external_destinations_subroutine_reflection {using exists = std::false_type;};
template <typename T>
requires std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::external_destinations>::return_type>
struct external_destinations_subroutine_reflection<T> : function_reflection<&T::external_destinations> {};
// @/

Concepts for checking the existence of these subroutines can be implemented very similarly.

// @+'has_main_subroutine'
template<typename T>
concept has_main_subroutine // = main_subroutine_reflection<T>::exists::value;
= std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::operator()>::return_type>
|| std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::main>::return_type>
template<typename T>
concept has_init_subroutine
= std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::init>::return_type>;
template<typename T>
concept has_external_sources_subroutine
= std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::external_sources>::return_type>;
template<typename T>
concept has_external_destinations_subroutine
= std::same_as<void, typename function_reflection<&T::external_destinations>::return_type>;
// @/
// @+'tests'
struct void_main { void main() {} };
struct void_operator { void operator()() {} };
struct member_main { int main; };
struct int_main { int main() {return 1;} };
struct int_operator { int operator()() {return 1;} };
static_assert(not has_main_subroutine<member_main>);
static_assert(not has_main_subroutine<int_main>);
static_assert(not has_main_subroutine<int_operator>);
// @/

Along with the has_name concept defined in the metadata concept header, this completes the specification of basic component requirements.

Inputs and Outputs

To detect whether a component inputs or outputs, we employ the same structure parameterized on the expected name of the nested simple aggregate structure. We use a macro to avoid repetition. A similar pattern is used to define has_name.

// @='inputs and outputs'
#define has_type_or_value(NAME)\
template<typename T> concept has_##NAME = requires (T t)\
requires SimpleAggregate<decltype(t.NAME)>;\
template<has_##NAME T> struct type_of_##NAME\
using type = decltype(std::declval<T>().NAME);\
template<typename T> using NAME##_t = typename type_of_##NAME<T>::type;\
template<typename T> requires has_##NAME<T> constexpr auto& NAME##_of(T& t) { return t.NAME; }\
template<typename T> requires has_##NAME<T> constexpr const auto& NAME##_of(const T& t) { return t.NAME; }\
#undef has_type_or_value
// @/
// @+'tests'
static_assert(std::same_as<regular_component_t::inputs_t&, decltype(inputs_of(regular_component))>);
static_assert(std::same_as<regular_component_t::outputs_t&, decltype(outputs_of(regular_component))>);
static_assert(std::same_as<regular_component_t::inputs_t, inputs_t<regular_component_t>>);
static_assert(std::same_as<regular_component_t::outputs_t, outputs_t<regular_component_t>>);
// @/






An assembly is a simple aggregate struct that contains only components. To validate the second requirement, first we insist that the type must be a simple aggregate. Then we generate a type list of its members using boost::pfr. Using boost::mp11, we then check if all of these members are components or assemblies. If so, we have an assembly.

// @='assembly_predicate'
namespace detail {
template<typename T>
struct assembly_predicate : std::false_type {};
template<typename T>
requires Component<T>
struct assembly_predicate<T> : std::true_type {};
template<typename T>
requires Tuple<T>
struct assembly_predicate<T> : std::false_type {};
template<typename T>
requires SimpleAggregate<T> && (not Component<T>) && (not std::is_scalar_v<T>) && (not Tuple<T>)
struct assembly_predicate<T>
using tup = decltype(boost::pfr::structure_to_tuple(std::declval<T&>()));
using valid_components = boost::mp11::mp_transform<assembly_predicate, tup>;
using all_valid = boost::mp11::mp_apply<boost::mp11::mp_all, valid_components>;
static constexpr bool value = all_valid::value;
// @/

This is somewhat complicated by the fact that the check is necessarily recursive. The predicate needs to be true for both components and assemblies, and the predicate needs to be used in its own definition. But we don't want our Assembly concept to return true for components (which are not assemblies). We therefore need a seperate more generate predicate that does the recursive check, allowing the final actual concept to weed out components.

// @+'tests'
struct almost_container
float nope;
regular_component_t yep;
static_assert(not Assembly<almost_container>);
// @/

Accessing Subcomponents and Endpoints


Consider a container of components:

// @+'tests'
struct c1_t : name_<"c1"> {
struct inputs_t {
struct in1_t : name_<"in1">, persistent<float>
float extra_value;
} in1;
struct in2_t : name_<"in2">, persistent<float>
float extra_value;
} in2;
} inputs;
struct outputs_t {
struct out_t : name_<"out">, persistent<float>
float another_extra;
} out;
} outputs;
void main(){}
struct c2_t : name_<"c2"> {
struct inputs_t {
struct in1_t : name_<"in1">, persistent<float>
float extra_value;
} in1;
struct in2_t : name_<"in2">, persistent<float>
float extra_value;
} in2;
} inputs;
struct outputs_t {
struct out_t : name_<"out">, persistent<float>
float another_extra;
} out;
} outputs;
void main(){}
struct accessor_test_container_t
c1_t c1;
c2_t c2;
constinit accessor_test_container_t accessor_test_container{};
// @/

The container can be seen as the root of a tree-like structure.

( container // a component container
, ( c1 // a component
, ( inputs // an input endpoint container
, ( in1 // an input endpoint
, in2 // another input endpoint
, ( outputs // an output endpoint container
, ( out // an output endpoint
, ( c2 // a component
, /* etc, as above */

Each node in this tree structure has a certain type, such as described in comments above. A set of tag classes and type traits are provided to distinguish between these types at compile time.

// @='nodes'
namespace node
struct assembly {};
struct component {};
struct inputs_container {};
struct outputs_container {};
struct endpoints_container {};
struct input_endpoint {};
struct output_endpoint {};
struct endpoint {};
template<typename> struct is_assembly : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_assembly<assembly> : std::true_type {};
template<typename> struct is_component : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_component<component> : std::true_type {};
template<typename> struct is_inputs_container : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_inputs_container<inputs_container> : std::true_type {};
template<typename> struct is_outputs_container : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_outputs_container<outputs_container> : std::true_type {};
template<typename> struct is_input_endpoint : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_input_endpoint<input_endpoint> : std::true_type {};
template<typename> struct is_output_endpoint : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_output_endpoint<output_endpoint> : std::true_type {};
template<typename> struct is_endpoints_container : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_endpoints_container<inputs_container> : std::true_type {};
template<> struct is_endpoints_container<outputs_container> : std::true_type {};
template<> struct is_endpoints_container<endpoints_container> : std::true_type {};
template<typename> struct is_endpoint : std::false_type {};
template<> struct is_endpoint<input_endpoint> : std::true_type {};
template<> struct is_endpoint<output_endpoint> : std::true_type {};
template<> struct is_endpoint<endpoint> : std::true_type {};
// @/

Tuple-like Access

Generalising boost::pfr's facility of taking a structure and returning a tuple of references to or copies of its elements, we aim in this section to enable tuple-like semantics for components and assemblies.

In a first attempt, I used boost::mp11 to first generate a type list from a general component. However, this turns out to provide very little use when it comes time to access the nodes of the component-tree. Instead, the first step is to generate a runtime tuple of references. This runtime structure can be manipulated more fluently using a combination of runtime programming and template metaprogramming, and if compile-time execution is required, the transformations can generally be constexpr or constinit and thus executed at compile-time, or easily converted into pure type-generating metaprograms using e.g. std::declval and decltype.

Non-standard Tuple Support

Component Tree

For starters, we define a function component_to_tree that generates a tuple of nested tuples that preserves the tree-like structure of an assembly, augmenting our references with a tag type that annotates what kind of object a node represents (e.g. component or endpoint), as in the following example.

Each element of the tree is a tuple whose first element is a node and subsequent elements are that node's subtrees as tuples of the same form. Leaf nodes are thus represented as tuples containing a single element.
// @='tuples of nodes'
template<typename Tag, typename Val>
struct tagged
using tag = Tag;
using type = Val;
Val& ref;
// @/
// @+'tests'
using atc = accessor_test_container_t;
using c1 = c1_t;
using ic1 = c1::inputs_t;
using in11 = ic1::in1_t;
using in21 = ic1::in2_t;
using oc1 = c1::outputs_t;
using out1 = oc1::out_t;
using c2 = c2_t;
using ic2 = c2::inputs_t;
using in12 = ic2::in1_t;
using in22 = ic2::in2_t;
using oc2 = c2::outputs_t;
using out2 = oc2::out_t;
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::assembly,atc>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::component,c1>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::inputs_container,ic1>
, tpl::tuple<tagged<node::input_endpoint,in11>>
, tpl::tuple<tagged<node::input_endpoint,in21>>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::outputs_container,oc1>
, tpl::tuple<tagged<node::output_endpoint,out1>>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::component,c2>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::inputs_container,ic2>
, tpl::tuple<tagged<node::input_endpoint,in12>>
, tpl::tuple<tagged<node::input_endpoint,in22>>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::outputs_container,oc2>
, tpl::tuple<tagged<node::output_endpoint,out2>>
TEST_CASE("sygaldry component_to_tree")
constexpr auto tree = component_to_tree(accessor_test_container);
auto& in1 = tpl::get<0>(tpl::get<1>(tpl::get<1>(tpl::get<1>(tree)))).ref;
accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value = 0.0;
REQUIRE(accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value == 0.0);
in1.extra_value = 3.14f;
REQUIRE(accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value == 3.14f);
// @/
#define tag(TAG)
Helper struct for defining recognized tags. This is immediately undefed, so don't try to use it!
Definition sygah-endpoints.hpp:238

First consider the case where we have been passed an assembly T& component. component_to_tree should return something of the form: <head, <subtree>, <subtree>, ...> where the head of the tuple is simply the component tagged node::assembly, and each subtree in the tail of the tuple is the tree for one component or subassembly. To make the tail, we can get a tuple of references to the subcomponents using structure_tie. Then using tuplet::tuple::map we can turn each subcomponent reference into its corresponding subtree, completing the tail. We then must use tuple_cat to unpack the tail, which is one tuple containing all of the sublists, so that we will have < head, <subtree>, <subtree> ... > where the tail is zero or more subtree tuples, instead of < head, < <subtree>, <subtree>, ...> > where the tail is a single tuple containing the subtree tuples.

// @='component container tree case'
auto subcomponents = sygaldry::pfr::structure_tie(component);
auto head = tpl::make_tuple(tagged<node::assembly, T>{component});
auto tail =[](auto& subcomponent)
return component_to_tree(subcomponent);
return tpl::tuple_cat( head, tail);
// @/

We could access the head or tail with the following methods:

// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry tuple head and tail")
struct {
int a;
int b;
int c;
} x = {0,0,0};
auto tup = sygaldry::pfr::structure_tie(x);
auto head = tuple_head(tup);
static_assert(std::same_as<int, decltype(head)>);
auto tail = tuple_head(tup);
auto empty_tuple = tpl::tuple<>{};
auto empty = tuple_head(empty_tuple);
// @/

Now consider the case of a regular component. The subtree has the form: < head, <maybe inputs>, <maybe outputs>>. We have to work around the possibility that inputs and outputs may not exist. Our strategy is to always tuple_cat several tuples, where the inputs and outputs tuples may be empty tuples, which will vanish during the tuple_cat operation. One awkward consequence of this strategy is that the head of the tree has to be a tpl::tuple before being passed to tuple_cat.

// @='component tree case'
return tpl::tuple_cat( tpl::make_tuple(tagged<node::component, T>{component})
, endpoint_subtree<node::input_endpoint>(component)
, endpoint_subtree<node::output_endpoint>(component)
// @/

We use one function for both input and output endpoints to save a bit of repetition.

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<typename Tag, typename T>
constexpr auto endpoint_subtree(T& component)
using ContainerTag = boost::mp11::mp_if_c< std::same_as<Tag, node::input_endpoint>
, node::inputs_container
, node::outputs_container
constexpr auto f = []<typename Container>(Container& container)
auto endpoints = sygaldry::pfr::structure_tie(container);
auto head = tpl::make_tuple(tagged<ContainerTag, Container>{container});
auto tail =[]<typename Ep>(Ep& endpoint)
return tpl::make_tuple(tagged<Tag, Ep>{endpoint});
return tpl::make_tuple(tpl::tuple_cat(head, tail));
constexpr bool inputs = std::same_as<Tag, node::input_endpoint> && has_inputs<T>;
constexpr bool outputs = std::same_as<Tag, node::output_endpoint> && has_outputs<T>;
if constexpr (inputs) return f(inputs_of(component));
else if constexpr (outputs) return f(outputs_of(component));
else return tpl::tuple<>{};
template<typename T>
constexpr auto component_to_tree(T& component)
if constexpr (Component<T>)
@{component tree case}
@{component container tree case}
// @/

Component Node List

The tree structure is useful for certain applications, but most of the time it is more convenient to work with a flat tuple. The following function flattens a given node tree, returning such a flat tuple.

Flattening the tree is a simple matter of recursively peeling apart the input. The function aims to return a single flat tuple. This is achieved using tuple_cat to join a flat tuple made from the head of the input with a flat tuple made from the end. In case the head is an element, and not a nested tuple, a flat tuple is made by simply wrapping the element in a tuple. Otherwise, the function recurses, so that the nested head tuple will be peeled apart in successive calls until an element is found and recursion can stop. Similarly, the tail of the input is always passed down recursively, so that it can get the same treatment for its new head element. Thus the recursive calls to component_tree_to_node_list(head) can be seen as doing the actual flattening, while the calls to component_tree_to_node_list(tail) merely continue along the tree.

Note that, although labelled constexpr, this operation may not be very efficient. It hasn't been verified whether or to what extent the compiler is able to optimize this operation into oblivion. In the test case below, compiled without optimizations enabled, where the flattened tuple is declared there appear about 18 pairs of lea, mov instructions (one pair for each element of the tuple?), suggesting that the compiler was able to compute the flattened tuple at compile time, and all it does at runtime is move the computed data structure into local memory; this is certainly encouraging, but likely relies on the declaration of the flattened tuple as constexpr.

Also note that this implementation is only possible based on the assumption that the type of every element in the tree will be unique (from the perspective of the type system), so that the return type of any two invocations of component_tree_to_node_list are guaranteed to be different, meaning there's never an issue with inconsistent deduced return types. If this assumption ever becomes an issue, it may be possible to enforce it by passing arbitrary unique template parameters, such as integer constants, to each recursive call to component_tree_to_node_list.

Notice also that, although the flattened tuple is declared constexpr, we are still able to extract a mutable reference to our component data from it. Neat!

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<Tuple T>
constexpr auto component_tree_to_node_list(T tree)
if constexpr (std::tuple_size_v<T> == 0) return tree;
auto head = tuple_head(tree);
auto tail = tuple_tail(tree);
if constexpr (Tuple<decltype(head)>) return tpl::tuple_cat(component_tree_to_node_list(head), component_tree_to_node_list(tail));
else return tpl::tuple_cat(tpl::make_tuple(head), component_tree_to_node_list(tail));
// @/
// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry component_tree_to_node_list")
constexpr auto flattened = component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container));
static_assert(std::tuple_size_v<decltype(flattened)> == std::tuple_size_v<tpl::tuple<atc, c1, ic1, in11, in21, oc1, out1, c2, ic2, in12, in22, oc2, out2>>);
auto& in1 = tpl::get<3>(flattened).ref;
accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value = 0.0;
REQUIRE(accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value == 0.0);
in1.extra_value = 3.14f;
REQUIRE(accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value == 3.14f);
// @/

For convenience, a shortcut is provided that takes a component and directly returns its node list.

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<typename T>
constexpr auto component_to_node_list(T& component)
return component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(component));
// @/

Filtering the Node List

A flat tuple is easy to filter. We can pass a predicate metafunction to the filter, and then use from tuplet to transform the flat tuple into one of wrapped values or empty tuples based on the predicate, then tpl::apply the result to tuple_cat to get a filtered tuple out.

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<template<typename>typename F>
constexpr auto node_list_filter(Tuple auto tup)
return tpl::apply([](auto...args)
auto ret = tpl::tuple_cat(args...);
if constexpr (std::tuple_size_v<decltype(ret)> == 0)
else if constexpr (std::tuple_size_v<decltype(ret)> == 1)
return tpl::get<0>(ret);
else return ret;
,[]<typename E>(E element)
if constexpr (F<E>::value) return tpl::make_tuple(element);
else return tpl::tuple<>{};
// @/

As above, a shortcut is provided to extract a filtered node list directly from a component:

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<template<typename>typename F, typename T>
constexpr auto component_filter(T& component)
return node_list_filter<F>(component_to_node_list(component));
// @/

Searching for a Particular Node

A search can be construed as a filtering operation. Here we leverage node_list_filter to find elements with a particular type within our flattened tuple of tagged component tree nodes. Based on the assumption that every node in the tree has a unique type, this is a way of finding a particular node in the tree. A shortcut is provided for working directly from a component.

In the following test, only_in1 is fully inlined by the compiler. No runtime computation is required; the address of the variable is simply loaded from memory.

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<typename T>
struct tagged_is_same
template<typename Y>
struct fn : std::is_same<T, typename Y::type> {};
template<typename T>
constexpr auto& find(Tuple auto tup)
return node_list_filter<tagged_is_same<T>::template fn>(tup).ref;
template<typename T>
constexpr auto& find(auto& component)
return node_list_filter<tagged_is_same<T>::template fn>(component_to_node_list(component)).ref;
// @/
// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry node_list_filter")
constexpr auto& in1 = find<in11>(component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container)));
accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value = 0.0;
REQUIRE(accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value == 0.0);
in1.extra_value = 3.14f;
REQUIRE(accessor_test_container.c1.inputs.in1.extra_value == 3.14f);
// @/

Filter by Node Type

We can filter for a particular type of node (e.g. input endpoints or parts containers or components) in a similar fashion. With the definition of a for_each_node_in_list function that runs a callback for each node in a component node list, this provides a succinct method to visit each node that matches one of the node types in a variadic list of node tag template type parameters, allowing the user to select which types of nodes they wish to visit by first filtering the list.

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<typename ... RequestedNodes>
struct _search_by_tags
template<typename Tag> using fn = boost::mp11::mp_contains<tpl::tuple<RequestedNodes...>, typename Tag::tag>;
template<typename ... RequestedNodes>
constexpr auto node_list_filter_by_tag(Tuple auto tup)
return node_list_filter<_search_by_tags<RequestedNodes...>::template fn>(tup);
template<typename ... RequestedNodes>
constexpr auto component_filter_by_tag(auto& component)
return node_list_filter<_search_by_tags<RequestedNodes...>::template fn>(component_to_node_list(component));
template<typename ... RequestedNodes>
constexpr auto for_each_node_in_list(const Tuple auto node_list, auto callback)
auto f = [&](auto tagged_node)
callback(tagged_node.ref, typename decltype(tagged_node)::tag{});
if constexpr (sizeof...(RequestedNodes) > 0)
constexpr auto filtered = node_list_filter_by_tag<RequestedNodes...>(node_list);
tuple_for_each(filtered, f);
else tuple_for_each(node_list, f);
// @/

Node Paths

We model the path of a named node as a tuple whose first element is the root of the component tree in which the node is found, whose last element is the named node, and whose intervening elements are the named parents of the node in order.

// @+'tests'
auto in11_path = path_of<in11>(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container));
static_assert(std::same_as< std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(in11_path)>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::component,c1>
, tagged<node::input_endpoint,in11>
struct deep_assembly {
struct n1 {
struct n2 {
struct n3 : name_<"n3"> {
struct inputs_t {
struct in : name_<"input"> { float value; } input;
} inputs;
void main() {};
} n3_;
} n2_;
} n1_;
} deep;
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::assembly,deep_assembly>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::assembly,deep_assembly::n1>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::assembly,deep_assembly::n1::n2>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::component,deep_assembly::n1::n2::n3>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::inputs_container,deep_assembly::n1::n2::n3::inputs_t>
, tpl::tuple<tagged<node::input_endpoint,deep_assembly::n1::n2::n3::inputs_t::in>>
using deep_input = deep_assembly::n1::n2::n3::inputs_t::in;
auto deep_path = path_of<deep_input>(deep);
static_assert(std::same_as< std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(deep_path)>
, tpl::tuple< tagged<node::component,deep_assembly::n1::n2::n3>
, tagged<node::input_endpoint,deep_assembly::n1::n2::n3::inputs_t::in>
// @/

Generating a path, given a node's (untagged) type and a component tree, is similar to flattening the tree while searching for a particular node.

The input to the search is a tuple representing a part of the overall tree of components. If the tuple is empty, this is the tail of a leaf node of the tree. We return the empty tuple unchanged.

Otherwise, we split the tuple into its head and its tail. If the head is a node that matches the node that we are looking for, we return a tuple containing it. Otherwise, if the head is a different node, we search for the sought node in the tail of the tuple. If it is found, this search will return a non-empty tuple. If the current node is named, we prepend the current node, which is a named parent of the sought one, to this tuple, and return it, or else simply return the found sub-path. Otherwise we return an empty tuple, since this node is not part of the path.

Finally, if the head is a tuple, then we return the tuple_cat of the recursive search over the head subtree and tail subtree(s). If any of these find the sought node, the result of the concatenation will be a non-empty tuple. Otherwise, it will be an empty tuple.

// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<typename T, Tuple Tup>
constexpr auto path_of(const Tup tree)
if constexpr (std::tuple_size_v<Tup> == 0) // tail of a leaf node
return tpl::tuple<>{};
// split the tuple into its head and its tail
auto head = tuple_head(tree);
auto tail_path = path_of<T>(tuple_tail(tree));
if constexpr (Tuple<decltype(head)>) // search subtrees
return tpl::tuple_cat(path_of<T>(head), tail_path);
else if constexpr (std::same_as<typename decltype(head)::type, T>) // the node that we are looking for
return tpl::make_tuple(head);
else if constexpr (std::tuple_size_v<decltype(tail_path)> > 0) // head is a parent
if constexpr (has_name<typename decltype(head)::type>) // prepend named parent
return tpl::tuple_cat(tpl::make_tuple(head), tail_path);
else return tail_path; // return sub-path
else return tpl::tuple<>{}; // node is in another subtree
template<typename T, typename C>
requires Component<C> || Assembly<C>
constexpr auto path_of(C& component)
return path_of<T>(component_to_tree(component));
// @/

Untagged List

// @+'tests'
auto outputs = remove_node_tags(node_list_filter_by_tag<node::output_endpoint>(component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container))));
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(outputs), tpl::tuple<out1&, out2&>>);
// @/
// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<typename Tag> using untagged = typename Tag::type;
// TODO: shouldn't this return references?
template<Tuple T>
constexpr auto remove_node_tags(T tup)
return[](auto&& tagged) -> auto& {return tagged.ref;});
// @/

Common Type List Metafunctions

Often it's not necessary to access a value instance of a node list, but rather it's tpl::tuple type, i.e. a type list. The following template type aliases are provided to facilitate direct access to useful type lists.

// @+'tests'
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(outputs), output_endpoints_t<accessor_test_container_t>>);
static_assert(std::same_as<decltype(remove_node_tags(deep_path)), path_t<deep_input, deep_assembly>>);
// TODO: test the other ones as needed
// @/
// @+'tuples of nodes'
template<typename T> using output_endpoints_t =
template<typename T> using input_endpoints_t =
template<typename T> using endpoints_t =
decltype(remove_node_tags(component_filter_by_tag<node::input_endpoint, node::output_endpoint>(std::declval<T&>())));
template<typename T, typename C> using path_t =
// @/

For each

As an alternative to the node-list based approach above, the following for_each implementation directly iterates over a component tree with compile time branching. This approach provides nearly identical performance in informal benchmarks, compared to for_each_node_in_list, provided that the list in the latter case is generated at compile time, i.e. declared constexpr.

// @+'tests'
TEST_CASE("sygaldry for each X")
string allnames{};
auto add_names = [&](auto& entity)
allnames += string(;
SECTION("for each component")
for_each_component(accessor_test_container, add_names);
REQUIRE(allnames == string("c1c2"));
SECTION("for each endpoint")
for_each_endpoint(accessor_test_container, add_names);
REQUIRE(allnames == string("in1in2outin1in2out"));
SECTION("for each input")
for_each_input(accessor_test_container, add_names);
REQUIRE(allnames == string("in1in2in1in2"));
SECTION("for each output")
for_each_output(accessor_test_container, add_names);
REQUIRE(allnames == string("outout"));
SECTION("for each output in list (pregen)")
string allnodes{};
auto add_node = [&]<typename T>(T& entity, auto tag)
if constexpr (has_name<T>) allnodes += string(;
constexpr auto filtered = node_list_filter_by_tag<node::output_endpoint>(
for_each_node_in_list(filtered, add_node);
REQUIRE(allnodes == string("outout"));
SECTION("for each output in list")
constexpr auto list = component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container));
SECTION("for each node")
string allnodes{};
auto add_node = [&]<typename T>(T& entity, auto tag)
if constexpr (has_name<T>) allnodes += string(;
for_each_node(accessor_test_container, add_node);
REQUIRE(allnodes == string("c1in1in2outc2in1in2out"));
SECTION("for each node in list (pregen)")
constexpr auto list = component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container));
string allnodes{};
auto add_node = [&]<typename T>(T& entity, auto tag)
if constexpr (has_name<T>) allnodes += string(;
for_each_node_in_list(list, add_node);
REQUIRE(allnodes == string("c1in1in2outc2in1in2out"));
SECTION("for each node in list (pregen)")
string allnodes{};
constexpr auto list = component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container));
auto add_node = [&]<typename T>(T& entity, auto tag)
if constexpr (has_name<T>) allnodes += string(;
for_each_node_in_list(list, add_node);
REQUIRE(allnodes == string("c1in1in2outc2in1in2out"));
TEST_CASE("sygaldry for each benchmarks", "[!benchmark]")
string allnames{};
auto add_names = [&](auto& entity)
allnames += string(;
constexpr auto list = component_tree_to_node_list(component_to_tree(accessor_test_container));
string allnodes{};
auto add_node = [&]<typename T>(T& entity, auto tag)
if constexpr (has_name<T>) allnodes += string(;
constexpr auto filtered = node_list_filter_by_tag<node::output_endpoint>(
BENCHMARK("for each output bench")
for_each_output(accessor_test_container, add_names);
return allnames;
BENCHMARK("for each output in list (pregen) bench")
for_each_node_in_list(filtered, add_node);
return allnodes;
BENCHMARK("for each output in list bench (from component)")
constexpr auto filtered = node_list_filter_by_tag<node::output_endpoint>(
for_each_node_in_list(filtered, add_node);
return allnodes;
BENCHMARK("for each node bench")
string allnodes{};
for_each_node(accessor_test_container, add_node);
return allnodes;
BENCHMARK("for each node in list (pregen) bench")
for_each_node_in_list(list, add_node);
return allnodes;
// @/

for_each_node runs the user-provided callback function for each of these nodes. To help the callback distinguish between a component container, component, input or output endpoint aggregate, parts aggregate, or endpoint, an empty tag class is passed as the second argument to the callback. Some helpers are provided to facilitate compile-time branching depending on the type of node.

The function itself takes a variadic list of these tags, allowing the user to select which types of nodes they wish to visit. The default, in case no tags are provided, is to visit every node.

// @+'for each'
template<typename T, typename ... RequestedNodes>
constexpr auto for_each_node(T& component, auto callback)
using boost::mp11::mp_list;
using boost::mp11::mp_contains;
using boost::mp11::mp_empty;
using nodes = mp_list<RequestedNodes...>;
@{for each component container case}
@{for each component case}
// @/

In case the input is a component container, we optionally call back for said container, and then recurse for each contained component.

// @='for each component container case'
if constexpr (Assembly<T>)
if constexpr ( mp_empty<nodes>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::assembly>::value
) callback(component, node::assembly{});
boost::pfr::for_each_field(component, [&]<typename S>(S& subcomponent)
for_each_node<S, RequestedNodes...>(subcomponent, callback);
// @/

The pattern is almost identical for each of the optional aggregates of a component. For endpoint containers, we can skip the iteration over the aggregate if the user has not requested the corresponding type of endpoints be visited. However, we always recurse over parts in a parts container since the user must wish to visit some of its nested nodes, if any exist.

// @='for each component case'
else if constexpr (Component<T>)
if constexpr ( mp_empty<nodes>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::component>::value
) callback(component, node::component{});
if constexpr (has_inputs<T>)
auto& inputs = inputs_of(component);
if constexpr ( mp_empty<nodes>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::inputs_container>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::endpoints_container>::value
) callback(inputs, node::inputs_container{});
// iterate only if we are visiting input endpoints
if constexpr ( mp_empty<nodes>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::input_endpoint>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::endpoint>::value
) boost::pfr::for_each_field(inputs, [&](auto& in)
callback(in, node::input_endpoint{});
if constexpr (has_outputs<T>)
auto& outputs = outputs_of(component);
if constexpr ( mp_empty<nodes>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::outputs_container>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::endpoints_container>::value
) callback(outputs, node::outputs_container{});
// iterate only if we are visiting output endpoints
if constexpr ( mp_empty<nodes>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::output_endpoint>::value
|| mp_contains<nodes, node::endpoint>::value
) boost::pfr::for_each_field(outputs, [&](auto& out)
callback(out, node::output_endpoint{});
// @/

The other for_each_xyz function are then easily implemented in terms of for_each_node:

// @+'for each'
template <typename T> constexpr void for_each_component(T& component, auto callback)
for_each_node<T, node::component>(component, [&](auto& c, auto) { callback(c); });
template<typename T> constexpr void for_each_endpoint(T& component, auto callback)
for_each_node<T, node::endpoint>(component, [&](auto& c, auto) { callback(c); });
template<typename T> constexpr void for_each_input(T& component, auto callback)
for_each_node<T, node::input_endpoint>(component, [&](auto& c, auto) { callback(c); });
template<typename T> constexpr void for_each_output(T& component, auto callback)
for_each_node<T, node::output_endpoint>(component, [&](auto& c, auto) { callback(c); });
// @/

Clearable Flags

Many components have endpoints with message semantics, e.g. by its value having semantics similar to a pointer or std::optional. These values are expected to be cleared so that they have a false interpretation unless the value has been set just before or during the current call to the component's main subroutine. To facilitate bindings implementing this behavior in a consistent way, the following subroutine is implemented, that reflects over a component's endpoints and clears all of its endpoints with this semantics.

A test is not provided for this function here, since its use in the CLI binding is well tested.

// @='clear_flags'
template<typename Y>
void clear_flag(Y& endpoint)
if constexpr (ClearableFlag<Y>) clear_flag(endpoint);
void clear_flags(auto& component)
for_each_endpoint(component, [](auto& endpoint) { clear_flag(endpoint); });
void clear_output_flags(auto& component)
for_each_output(component, [](auto& endpoint) { clear_flag(endpoint); });
void clear_input_flags(auto& component)
for_each_input(component, [](auto& endpoint) { clear_flag(endpoint); });
// @/

Init and Activate

The initialization and main subroutines of components can be generically triggered using the following functions. Overloads are also provided that will initialize or activate all components in a component container, recursively. This currently includes parts in subassemblies, but TODO it probably shouldn't.

// @='init'
template<Component T>
void init(T& component)
if constexpr (requires {component.init();}) component.init();
template<Assembly T>
void init(T& container)
for_each_component(container, [](auto& component) {init(component);});
// @/
// @='activate'
template<Component T>
void activate_inner(T& component)
if constexpr (requires {component.main(component.inputs, component.outputs);})
component.main(component.inputs, component.outputs);
else if constexpr (requires {component(component.inputs, component.outputs);})
component(component.inputs, component.outputs);
else if constexpr (requires {component();})
template<Component T>
void activate(T& component)
template<Assembly T>
void activate(T& container)
for_each_component(container, activate_inner);
// @/


// @#'sygac-components.hpp'
#pragma once
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory
(IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
(CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS,
Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <utility>
#include <boost/pfr.hpp>
#include <boost/mp11.hpp>
#include "sygac-tuple.hpp"
#include "sygac-metadata.hpp"
#include "sygac-functions.hpp"
#include "sygac-endpoints.hpp"
namespace sygaldry {
using boost::mp11::mp_transform;
@{Component Concepts}
@{tuples of nodes}
@{for each}
// @/
// @#'sygac-components.test.cpp'
Copyright 2023 Travis J. West,, Input Devices and Music Interaction Laboratory
(IDMIL), Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology
(CIRMMT), McGill University, Montréal, Canada, and Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS,
Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/benchmark/catch_benchmark.hpp>
#include "sygah-metadata.hpp"
#include "sygah-endpoints.hpp"
#include "sygah-consteval.hpp"
#include "sygac-components.hpp"
using namespace sygaldry;
using std::string;
// @/
# @#'CMakeLists.txt'
set(lib sygac-components)
add_library(${lib} INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(${lib} INTERFACE .)
target_link_libraries( ${lib}
INTERFACE Boost::pfr
INTERFACE Boost::mp11
INTERFACE sygac-tuple
INTERFACE sygac-metadata
INTERFACE sygac-functions
INTERFACE sygac-endpoints
add_executable(${lib}-test ${lib}.test.cpp)
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE Catch2::Catch2WithMain)
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE ${lib})
target_link_libraries(${lib}-test PRIVATE sygah)
# @/